Cory Doctorow: upbeat cynic?

I have no evidence to offer,
for I have failed to
take note of the Doctorow
I’ve consumed.

But I’m sure if you dropped in on any one of
his public offerings you’d find multiple examples.
The world will get worse—and better…
through the hard work and dedication of
the pure and virtuous!

Cory Doctorow: zealot?

It is better if you don’t think about it

What if while hugging your sister
You both dropped dead
And they find your tangled
Corpses in the morning
Would that be embarrassing
Or merely horrifying?

It was pointed out

This dust
in the floor is not to be
thrown away.
It is to be gawked at.

Or, in that double
backward idiolect,
was it meant to be
thrown away?