Closest full beat

A rough-n-dirty spreadsheet.

Here’s a screenshot of a spreadsheet I made to figure out how much time to add or subject from a sample to hit on the nearest full beat.


For you, Love.
For you, Love. We are intertwined with the mystery of the universe.

I was working on this during the first round of loss. I somehow finished it afterwards.

I’ve lost the original Illustrator version. Hopefully one of these years I’ll have enough money to have the hard-drive recovered, but I doubt if I ever will. So much art gone. Oh well, I’ve lost everything else anyway, so whatever.


In the early 22nd century a hiphop ensemble shall be propelled to stardom with their hit The N*s I’ve Fucked, until it is discovered to have been penned by a white supremacist and powerful member of the ruling party.It will be a minor controversy within a maelstrom of controversies which will blow over in short order. Awards will be rescinded, records updated. The artists will be forgotten while the partyman skates.