The Great Collapsing Toward Simplicity

When I first started this site I developed several custom taxonomies and delivered posts to the front page through complicated scripts. It was pretty, and kinda useful, but hard to maintain.

I’ve been moving away from that scheme for quite sometime. I’m simplifying things and will shortly end up with a predictable site more inline with users’ expectations.

After I publish this post I’m going collapse all my non-poem posts into a single blog category. Some time after that I’ll remove the spider web of poetry categories; the old drafts, the multiple versions, and shit. I’ll be moving notes and acknowledgments out of the Post Information subfooter, and eventually remove it altogether.

This will probably have no effect on anyone, as most readers see my stuff through aggregators. But for a bit after this Collapsing links will be broken, styles screwy, and navigation unpredictable. It should settle down after a while.

It’s over. Took me all day. Crashed my database several time, I wasn’t expecting that. Thought I’d lost everything for a while, but I managed to coax it back. I think I’m going to hold off for a while on the rest, it gets a bit tricky, and scary.

So now I have four categories: Poems, Blog, Podcast, and Uncategorized. Which presents some problems, my stories, where they go now? I’ve stuck some of them into Poems, and I’m sure there are some hanging out in Blog. Maybe I should collapse everything further into one category, hell, when you’ve been poet-ing as long as I have, everything is a poem. I’m not sure where the line lies. I suspect there is no line. I suspect every thought and every action is a poem.

I’m logging off now, tired of thinking.

“Fuck Her To Perfection”

Maybe this is good advice,
Maybe it’s the worst,
I’m not qualified to say.
Best I can advise
Is to play with your dog
Love your children
And write your poems.

In spring 2004…I conceived of a plan to write a series of stories with the same titles as famous sf shorts…

The poem whose title I appropriated

That One Tumblr Theme Triggers in the Damnest Places

There’s this one Tumblr theme
That always freaks me out.
Every time I see it,header_white
I see that razor blade and I see you,
Cowering against the vanity slashing
Away at yourself
And me trying to stop you help you
And I can’t make it stop
And eventually the razor turns on me.
But when I force myself to look
It turns into a pencil
And writerly accessories.