Ok, tried to post a funny comment on a Facebook PBS feed. I was blocked for violating some TOS. I have never posted vulgar or otherwise questionable content…I used “fuck” a lot in a post on my timeline. Once. It was called for, it was that god awful Look Up “spoken word” going around. Is that what this is about?

I’ve been warning people about the evils of Facebook for a while now. I only joined because that’s what people use around here. Being stuck in a walled garden is a lousy place to be. Being stuck in a walled garden and not being able to be yourself is a horrible life; get out, I told them.

I was right, turns out.

Continue reading WHAT!

The Best Of

Here are some of my favorite Dronecast tracks in one convenient playlist. Almost two hours worth.

My D&D notes aren’t like others people’s

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