State of the Community on the overthinking of midbrow ideas

What I’m beginning WINK WINK to suspect is
Poets have a different emotional gamut than mostpeople.
Not necessary broader,
Mind, just different.
But speaking of mind…
They do tend to think themself intellectual
And that’s where it nags

Wiving Live at Rubber Gloves

Wiving at Rubber Gloves

Wiving SERVANT 3/20/15 at Rubber Gloves Rehearsal Studios video by Skihn Bro

I missed this show due to sickness and brokeness, sigh.
I bet it rocked, they always do.

Two tweets

I really dig these two tweets o’ mine:

Fake self-help books in bookstore

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An Imgur gallery of fake self-help books left in a bookstore.
Via: obviousplant on /r/funny