OK, so…like happy thoughts, and beauty in the mundane.

Phew, I need to come up for a bit. It’s getting bleak up in here.

Although the Warning still holds, and I’m still working on The Project, I need to back down a little, gain my bearings, write some happier stuff.

Oh, I’m all for cutting until it bleeds… but I also have to look out for myself. It’s frighteningly easy to get sucked up into poemspace and never come out; not so appealing.

I’ll try to weave a scaffolding of humor and delight to hang from while producing this harsh art.

Exasperated at You!

Oh, Jesus Christ! If you read all these poems
wrongly and concluded I’m Fine and Dandy,
it is the wrong conclusion!

Go the other way with it.
The opposite of Fine!
The opposite of Dandy!

Unfine! Undandy!


The scars we try hard to forget

Cat Stevens hangs on with my favorite album, but Dance by Mutabaruka is my favorite song.

I embedded this one because cool slideshow, here’s one that doesn’t run forty-five seconds over.

cause out of de music comes de tinkin of de mind
an’ de people move on leavin nothin behind
de laughter an’ pain become as one
like de action of our ancestors risin from de lan’