Prelude to Isolation

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Before going into isolation, 3 weeks ago, a friend warned me to not act to rashly—to think about job, life, etc.
This was my response.

Unsure if I would change it if I could.

2950 Hz

Have I ever played for you 2950 Hz?

I found it laying around. It’s a 2950 Hz tone, picked out of the background of one of my voice memos, from two Novembers ago. That fall and winter you could hear this tone for blocks. I think it was from a faulty light fixture, or a faulty deterrent device. The colder it got, the louder it became—November 11, 2015 must’ve been a particularly cold night.

I cleaned it up the best I could, probably, it’s been a minute. I filtered out noise, and some inane poem about something I’m sure meant something, I’m sure. If you crank it you can still hear hints of it. Not worth the trouble , and besides the point.

The point here is, this is the tone that settled over my hood for a spell. It’s approximately 2950 Hz.

Stress Response

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Yeah, ok, if I keep putting out these small, non-drone-y, items, I may have to create a new feed for them. But, I don’t produce a lot of content, and it may be fun to have random small things appear, little rocks in the stream.

And…I did it before, these little stepping stones between realities, I called them microcasts…but I had some weird rule that they had to be under, I don’t know, some absurdly small number of seconds, a handful. And one of them, an enhanced podcast, went nuts.

Oh, that was the other thing, microcasts were all going to be enhanced, but there’s a couple weird edge cases where a very short enhanced podcast with a bunch of hires graphics and chapters goes nuts with some podcast directories and aggregators.

Then Apple effectively doomed the format by removing the functionality from GarageBand. Probably for the better, if you’re going to do an enhanced podcast you might as well do a video. Which is what I’ve started doing…I’m getting better.

Anyway, here’s me losing my shit at this guy that started following me, across a vacant lot, middle of the night.
Continue reading Stress Response