I need help I shout into the wilderness

Also, I’m a poet, I sez
Because it’s true
And because it’s the most creditability
I can muster these days
Poet, that’s the only thing you really need to know
About me, it’s true, and gives you a stalking path
If you wants to track me down
Look for the poet
Boo, here I am here I goes

Chinaberry how could I not think of you

A little squirrel
chews a chinaberry twig
chinaberry in snow
and you’d make fun of my spelling
but I’m proud to have gotten it right this time
the chinaberry shakes and bobs
the twig is dropped and squirrel
finds another, and oh that’s funny
you’ll read all kinds
of things into this
when the truth is
it’s a squirrel in the snow
and chinaberries everywhere

Hunting and Pecking

Where is the music coming from?
Somewhere in workspace 2 window 1
On an infinitely scrolling page
Somewhere in workspace 2 window 1
On an infinitely scrolling page
Is music playing
Is music playing
Is music playing
Somewhere in workspace 2 window 1
On an infinitely scrolling page

“Fuck Her To Perfection”

Maybe this is good advice,
Maybe it’s the worst,
I’m not qualified to say.
Best I can advise
Is to play with your dog
Love your children
And write your poems.

In spring 2004…I conceived of a plan to write a series of stories with the same titles as famous sf shorts…

The poem whose title I appropriated