The Third Life

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The third life is born from despair and ends in wisdom
Dronescapes 107
YEAR: 2022
TAGS: ambient, drone, speculative, layered, 107, dronescape
URL: Persistent
MIRRORS: Archive Audio | Archive Video | SoundCloud | YouTube
IMAGES: Frame Grabs
LICENSE: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Candy Flip

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TITLE: Candy Flip
DESCR: A relaxing foray into shifting dimensions.
ALBUM: Dronescapes
TRACK: 106
GENRE: Dronescape
YEAR: 2022
PUB: Quasigentsia
TAGS: ambient, drone, generative, Soundscape, electronic, synthetic, dronescape, dronecast, 106
URL: Persistent
MIRRORS: Archive Audio | Archive Video | SoundCloud | YouTube
IMAGES: Frame Grabs
LICENSE: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Temporal Aberrations in the Pursuit of Spring

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Spring is just in sight of our scanners, but this is as close as we’re likely to get, being on a parallel course, an all. Ah well, would’ve been grand.
Dronescape 104
YEAR: 2022
PUB: Quasigentsia
TAGS: noise, glitch, drone, ambient, blends, binaural, subtle, sculpted, sound-design, fx, generated, random, lateral, parallel, cyclic, spring, dronescape, 104
URL: Persistent
MIRRORS: Archive Audio | Archive Video | SoundCloud | YouTube
IMAGES: Frame Grabs
LICENSE: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International


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TITLE: Firmament
DESCR: It’s a tightrope, this filament that connects us together with the broader universe. It must remain taut, but flexible. When it snaps, that’s when the adventure begins.
ALBUM: Dronescapes
TRACK: 103
GENRE: Dronescape
YEAR: 2022
PUB: Quasigentsia
TAGS: ambient, disruption, drone, glitch, noise, synchronicity, temporal collaspe
URL: Persistent
MIRRORS: Archive Audio | Archive Video | SoundCloud | YouTube
IMAGES: Frame Grabs
LICENSE: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

60 Hertz Mains

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Five channel recording of the central heat constantly turning on and off because roommates can’t keep their mitts off it. I filtered out everything but the electrical hum, and mutilated it.
ALBUM: Dronescapes
TRACK: 101
GENRE: Dronescape
YEAR: 2022
PUB: Quasigentsia
TAGS: ambient, noise, electrical hum, drone, h2n, reaper, ffpmeg, avectorscope, resolve
URL: Persistent
MIRRORS: Archive Audio | Archive Video | SoundCloud | YouTube
IMAGES: Frame Grabs
LICENSE: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International