Binaural Escape: Winter Meditation

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TITLE: Binaural Escape: Winter Meditation
DESCR: Created by routing two binaural tone generators through a series of modulators and effects. Mixed and mastered over a week of roving brownouts, and water shortages.
ALBUM: Dronescapes
GENRE: Dronescape
YEAR: 2021
PUB: Quasigentsia
TAGS: drone, experimental, generated, binaural, monk, music, 85, hypnotic, immersive, focus, dream
URL: Persistent
MIRRORS: Archive Audio | Archive Video | SoundCloud | YouTube
IMAGES: Frame Grabs
LICENSE: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Loneshoreman a shoreman, alone

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TITLE: Loneshoreman
DESCR: Found a twenty second, 150 px wide, video clip in my browser cache and stretched it to 1000 seconds, and added effects. For the soundtrack I snagged 24 equally spaced frames, converted those images to audio, stitched them together, and worked on it until I grew weary.
ALBUM: Dronescapes
GENRE: Dronescape
YEAR: 2021
PUB: Quasigentsia
TAGS: ambient, drone, dronescape, experimental, generated, audio from image, soundscape, monk, 80
URL: Persistent
MIRRORS: Archive Audio | Archive Video | SoundCloud | YouTube
IMAGES: Frame Grabs
LICENSE: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Dead Man Walking

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This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Final Grace

TITLE: Dead Man Walking
DESCR: Pane 2 of the Final Breath triptych
ARTIST: Franklyn Monk
ALBUM: Dronecast
GENRE: Drone
YEAR: 2020
PUB: Quasigentsia
TAGS: ambient, apocalyptic, drone, dronescape, experimental, final breath, generated, gritty, monk, noir, part 2, retro, sinister, soundscape, triptych, ufo, 77
URL: Persistent
MIRRORS: SoundCloud | Archive Audio | Archive Video | YouTube
LICENSE: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Honeydew Avocado

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TITLE: Honeydew Avocado
DESCR: Drones and percussion
ARTIST: Franklyn Monk
ALBUM: Dronecast
GENRE: Drone
YEAR: 2020
PUB: Quasigentsia
TAGS: drone, soundscape, 75, monk, disruption, punctuated, equilibrium, generated, long
URL: Persistent
MIRRORS: SoundCloud | Archive Audio | Archive Video | YouTube
LICENSE: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Broadly Crappy

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My first long form diversion into percussion. There’s some good parts, but overall, it’s Broadly Crappy. I was floundering—mastering while arranging, while composing—by the time I got to the end I didn’t have enough stems to master. I’d’ve’d to drop back several gens and rebuild from there. Just don’t have it in me. I’ll take my lessons to the next project.

TITLE: Broadly Crappy
DESCR: Working with percussion
ARTIST: Franklyn Monk
ALBUM: Dronecast
GENRE: Drone
YEAR: 2020
PUB: Quasigentsia
TAGS: generated, percussion, reaper, experimental, ambient, drone, monk, dronecast, 74
URL: Persistent
MIRRORS: Archive Audio | Archive Video | Archive Video 2 | Soundcloud | YouTube
LICENSE: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International