It Noh Funny

Forces of Victory is not simply one of the most important reggae records of its time, it’s one of the most important reggae records ever recorded.

Amazon sells Forces Of Victory

I just discovered my ENTIRE site was not only not being indexed, but had been effectively de-indexed. Continue reading It Noh Funny

Unbroke, but limping

I’m in the middle of updating this site to a custom child-theme I made on a development server. There are some key differences between it and my host. It’s making for a challenging transition.

After an exhausting bout of frustration the site is actually displaying something, exclamation mark.

Without analysis, judgement, or defense, I have decided to open this unbroke but limping site.

Narrowing in

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Mixed tensor

I trimmed down the code for y’all. Here is the most minimal parts of it. How can I make this work in Opera? (yes, and maybe even IE). By work in Opera I mean render like it does in Webkit and Gecko, like so:
Example rendered in Safari

Apparently the magic that allows this to work is the css height: 0; declaration. I’m not sure why that is, but it gives me the chills (and probably nightmares entitled Box Model).

[crayon lang=”html”]



[/crayon][crayon lang=”css”]
span.subdraft {
display: inline-block;
span.subdraft sup {
height: 0;
float: left;

Or, if it’s easier, you can download a html file (css embedded).

A loss for words

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Mixed tensor

Knowing that my task would be easier if I had the words I went on a quest to find the name for setting a superscript directly above a subscript Example. The closest I came was Mixed Tensor, which is, like, a math thing.
I’ve searched typographic sites, and linguistic sites, a reverse dictionary.

And I gave up.

Theme Update

Anatomy of a Poem Post

I’m making progress on the wordpress theme for this site. Here’s a screenshot explaining the new features