These little piggies

Franklyn Monk Dronecast #9: These little piggies

A stand of mimosa (Albizia julibrissin) trees sway in the wind.

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the magic of poetry

with poetry intent is decided post facto.
it’s all said done written
but intent is out of your hands
intent, in poetry, is a reflection of the reader.

and then a generation of Liberal Arts majors weeded up at the same time and said “as it is with poetry, it is with life!” and they happily went away to apply poetry to society, to politics, to econom…

but the magic of poetry is
it’s not like these things.


Best I can tell, the events of September 11, 2001 knocked our collective breaths out and we came to either dazed or averting our eyes, and we now cower, a decade later, in a dank cave of superstition as we recoil from senseless hellfire and dire urgent action.


We were set for three days of storms.
That was revised to two days.
And now it’s two days of rain.
Light rain
Partly cloudy
We will end up with only what we had.