A complete poetry site for every poet and every poetry lover : huge collection of classical poems; poetry discussion forums for comments and critique; giant links engine for famous and unknown poets through the ages; haiku generator; poetry banner exchange (link exchange) network; good poems, bad poems, best poems, worst poems, more!
Motivated Grammar
Grammar is a contentious point. Some argue that it’s horrifyingly appalling that ANYONE would ever utter the words “I drive pretty good”. (This, of course, is because good is an adjective, good is modifying drive, which is a verb, and our forefathers fought and died so that verbs would never be subjugated by adjectives.) Some would even argue that you are a fool, an ill-educated ass, and a corner-dwelling dunce if you managed to emerge from your schooling without learning that periods are properly placed INSIDE of quotation marks.
Tenser, said the Tensor
Has not been updated in three years, but I’m still holding out hope for new content. Although, it is ominous that the last post was a “we’re back” post.
Shady Characters
The secret life of punctuation
Corpus-Based Generation of Content and Form in Poetry [PDF]
Abstract: We employ a corpus-based approach to generate content and form in poetry. The main idea is to use two different corpora, on one hand, to provide semantic content for new poems, and on the other hand, to generate a specific grammatical and poetic structure. The approach uses text mining methods, morphological analysis, and morphological synthesis to produce poetry in Finnish. We present some promising results obtained via the combination of these methods and preliminary evaluation results of poetry generated by the system.