The fingernail having scratched
a comet across the sky
pauses momentarily for you
the comet explodes a swirling path
in the deepest shadows
your duty dreamer will be to follow.
The fingernail having scratched
a comet across the sky
pauses momentarily for you
the comet explodes a swirling path
in the deepest shadows
your duty dreamer will be to follow.
Marigolds for the bugs
and I’m not ready yet
then, balancing a stick on his head,
the poet speaks his vision
floating on a cloud in the dark
but it was more like
stillness and vibration
The phone rings and you’re jack-tailing it down a rabbit hole. It’s mostly dust and sweeping waves of heat. It’s turning constant spin and down and smash.
You whisper and the taste you feel is a scream. Shadows and nightmares scrimmage vying for ancient dread. One slipping gasp and down and smash.
the walking man dances
into forgotten forests
where trees sing and
rabbits grow wise
the path is worn and comfortable
where the walking man dances
quizzical, the quizzical man looked
more annoyed than he should
be it necessary to call a bluff
or take up with the illusive
flower he now plucks from his hat
and disappears