Bernie Sanders because a poor kid from Brooklyn is tougher than a silver spoon from Queens
What’s up with all the Bernie?
I’m kinda happy how this FB comment came out. Someone said something like, “what’s up with all the Bernie talk, you guys as as adamant as Trump!”
My first response was something like, “yeah, we’re a passionate folk, I guess.
Is this your first political campaign?”
On receiving no reply, I went ahead and had my say:
Thanks to the internet (which could go away, any minute now) you’re being afforded the opportunity to hear what people are thinking about.
And we’re all thinking about the same thing. We’re thinking about the election. We’re thinking about how November will affect the rest of US and World history. It’s an important one.This is the open debate that goes on behind the scenes that the media are oblivious to. And it certainly is an exciting one.
Now that you’re aware of it, you’ll be hearing it everywhere. At the water cooler, and in the elevator.
Park benches and sidewalks. In line waiting for your coffee, people are talking about it. Like everyone. Everyone is talking about the democratic primary!!!
You start seeing little stickers on windows, and little buttons on backpacks, little signs in yards,
And BIG signs on the highwaysAnd you wonder: “wait, is this a thing?”
It’s kinda like Olympics, it comes around every so often and it’s all people can talk about for a while, and before you figure out what all the excitement is about, it’s over
There’s a pretty closing ceremony though, with torches and dancers.
That’s nice
And Fuck You Some More
Franklyn Monk Dronecast #31: And Fuck You Some More
And fuck you
And fuck you
And fuck you
And fuck you
And fuck you
And fuck you some more Continue reading And Fuck You Some More
Franklyn Monk Dronecast #30: Milling
I shot the video at TWU in Denton, TX.
Franklyn Monk Dronecast #29: Cranes
I shot the video at South Lakes Park in Denton, TX, where I found Harmony, a kinetic art sculpture by George Cadell.