That One Tumblr Theme Triggers in the Damnest Places

There’s this one Tumblr theme
That always freaks me out.
Every time I see it,header_white
I see that razor blade and I see you,
Cowering against the vanity slashing
Away at yourself
And me trying to stop you help you
And I can’t make it stop
And eventually the razor turns on me.
But when I force myself to look
It turns into a pencil
And writerly accessories.

On Wes Anderson

A friend described The Grand Budapest Hotel thusly:

I liked it. At first I thought this is very dumb. After 15 min I was involved and had to watch the rest. It was strange and sad.

That’s a perfect review.
Wes Anderson is like that. Like, always. There’s that off-putting first impression, then an uncomfortable acquaintanceship, and before you know it that oddball has won you over.
And bittersweet, that man does bitter sweet like no one else.
Do you laugh, do you cry, do you run a marathon?