Jiggle em if you hafta

There’s dust a blowing,
sir, big as a a continent,
and expanding.
Overtake the hemisphere
say a couple a weeks.

With an awkward pause.
Why bring it up

Likely extinguish all life.
We can fix it.

Oh, let nature run its course.

But, that’s just it.
It ain’t nature.
It hot and ugly,
vaporized alloys,
ionizing particulates.

Thought you said dust storm.
That’s more of a mushroom cloud.
You wanna try contain it?

Well, yes, sir.
I believe it would be
economically advantageous

The captain smiles,
and how so?

Cheaper stop it now,
than terraform some other planet

You’d be left with
half a planet to play with.

Half the development costs.

OK, good, you’re learning,
the captain covers her collector
mouthing you-just-want-to-study,
he nods,
she offers a hand, get me em numbers.

By the way she said em
it meant jiggle-the-numbers
and the handshake was a
back channel to someone in TR.

Um, shure will do that
he questions but corrects
with eureka on his skin
I’ll inform technological reclamation,
maybe be that there’s something for em.

And em meant us this time
a whole planet, for us, on the outskirts,
economically feasible
if you leave those details out.


He pounds the dugout
Hoping to shake loose
Grains leaves specks
Something, anything.

It’ll leave a bruise
But he doesn’t mind
Bruises show passion,
At least, for something.

Our souls are bruised
We belong together.
This passion broken mass
That meets weekly,
And groans at itself.

Specks, the lot of us, 
Hunting dust, tracking
The fallout of exploded
Passions. The dust
And grains of a hit.

Ceiling Fan

[Download: audio]

The percussive thud isn’t from the fan, it’s the heartbeat of my soon to be born niece or nephew.

The download link above is for the audio (m4a) which I sent out for my podcast (I couldn’t justify hitting my subscribers with a large video podcast). The original audio and video | the new video, as part of my Video Compilation.

Episode Link | Archive Item | YouTube | Vimeo

In Saginaw, in Saginaw

The wind took a dastardly turn
In Saginaw, in Saginaw

Oh it rains x or y times a year
In Saginaw, in Saginaw

I know you’ve had that feeling
In Saginaw, in Saginaw 

Oh I know you’ve had that feeling
In Saginaw, in Saginaw 

In his free time, and it’s all free these days, he throws together spiders that run databases stitching together relevant data to plug into variable fields in his poetry.

In “In Saginaw, in Saginaw” it queries for the average yearly rainfall for Saginaw, for Saginaw.

All is all is now

a new poem, then,
without tangle
or predecessor
a true poem
born now as
mosquitoes bite
and sweat beads
and I’m not thinking of you
before the sun slips down
breathless and weightless
our story played out
against the night sky
I can’t help slipping into it
it’s a natural law here
momentum, inertia,
trajectories too expensive to alter
the moments sweep past
you and you and you
against the sky
a prologue, then, or epilogue