Hey Transition Era Pink Floyd fan, have you ever gotten exceedingly stoned and meditated with Echoes?

(Making up the whole Transition Era thing, just figured you’d’ve pushed beyond Waters. (And I’m making that up, because it sounds cool.) The point is Echoes is kinda lame to meditate to. Making the whole thing pointless. Except as an exercise. What might that be?)

Addendum 1

The blip leads you in
and the ice-box joins humming along
(allies, you understand what this means)
the a.c. kicks on friend or foe
is no longer always the fundamental question

Addendum 2

There is enough time to get your life together before the 8th blip.
Regret, cold feet, and should have known better

You have to let your face go before the voices arrive.
Let it go. Ease it slack and poof
If you start shaking it’s because you’re not breathing.
Breathe, don’t gasp
let your face go

And here are the voices, singing by the sounds of it. And, yeah, that’s what voices do here. Singing, I guess. But not to you, not for you.

Addendum 3

it’s the face
the face
the face
the face
the face
the face
the face
and the voices pull you out
into the warm glow which is your smile
a face to let go

Addendum 4

you remember the face
remember the face
and the voice
and the breath

Addendum 5

remember first the face
    then the breath
        then the voice is
            if not savior
                then anchor

 Addendum 6

this time there is no remembrance for face or breath
this is only voice and you don’t know what you were just thinking

there’s a wave of aggression: of learned anger and perfect bitterness
that you don’t remember because something made you smile


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