There’s this one Tumblr theme
That always freaks me out.
Every time I see it,
I see that razor blade and I see you,
Cowering against the vanity slashing
Away at yourself
And me trying to stop you help you
And I can’t make it stop
And eventually the razor turns on me.
But when I force myself to look
It turns into a pencil
And writerly accessories.
That always freaks me out.
Every time I see it,
I see that razor blade and I see you,
Cowering against the vanity slashing
Away at yourself
And me trying to stop you help you
And I can’t make it stop
And eventually the razor turns on me.
But when I force myself to look
It turns into a pencil
And writerly accessories.
“Triggers In The Damnest Places”: A Poem
Corrected and Published to a More Proper Venue
By an Ally