The Germs!

Something looked suspicious
In the bathroom garbage
And you’re put off to realize
You were digging through it
And you didn’t wash your hands.
And the germs are on your glasses now.
And the microfibre lens cloth.
And the eyeglass case.
And the rubber band used to hold it together.
That’s a good point to stop.
To accept the damage.
To breath and move on.

My Life Gonna Change

My life gonna change
She sez
My life gonna change
She sez again
Like I can’t hear
And every new thing
From getting up in the morning
To the next disastrous guy
Gonna be different
Gonna not be the same.

A cool graphic

I’m a sucker for good infodesign, such as this graphic from Auphonic’s Audio Processing Statistics Explained page.

An infographic explaining the Auphonic waveform display.

What I’m most fond of is they didn’t overload it with redundant info, opting instead to have a series of graphics that examine a little at a time. Which reminds me, a friend recently told me I had two poems on my hands, not one. I objected. Still do. This isn’t like that!

Auphonic is a cool thing for podcasters and other audio producers. For an explanation, see Chooch’s review.

The drone you ignore

I would like to register my indignation, my outrage, and my frustration to the nearest kind voice, please.

The kind voice would hear me out, much as a shadowy uniform in an alley, or a police cap silhouetted against a painted brick wall would. And either kind or abusive it always ends in handcuffs dunnit. Handcuffs and whuppings.

And always the realization the next step won’t be the last.
Always chancing closer the shadow.

To the kind abusive voice which watches on the agony and torment stiff and hard from the alleys and walls surrounding this pit I would make it known I do not appreciate the never-ending struggle.

As if that would make me feel better

An ambient soundtrack with looping vocals which, perhaps, demonstrates what it’s like to be swept into rumination. At 16m40s it’s a good length for a short meditative sit.

Episode Link | Archive Item | YouTube