The Gratzi is a hard poem to read. It’s taken me years, but I finally gave up on ever getting it and released this reading disguised.
Author: Franklyn Monk
The Front Line (1965) How to be an effective supermarket checker
Just Me a microCast
Franklyn Monk Dronecast #12: Just Me
I don’t know what you expected to find here
Episode Link | item | Youtube
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Twitter: @fqmonk
I don’t believe an appraisal of discontent
I dislike hashtags because they resolve ambiguity too quickly. Subtlety dissolves into a mad froth , and the poor reader is dragged to the conclusion. The magic of unfolding is lost.
I say as I get ready to auto-tag every post up in here!
Edit: That did nothing. None of the tools I attempted to use would work. I’m not gonna bother with it until various plugins are updated.