Spooky Forest

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Stumbled across a lost and forgotten audio project from five years ago. It was active between December 23 and 26 2014.

I can find little information about it, but there are no links to other projects. I’m unsure if I ever posted it, or if it was ever incorporated into another project, but it seems self-contained, and complete. I mighta well push it now. I slammed this video together from photos I had laying around.

I want to start the video over from the beginning. I learned a lot in making this one, it could be so much better. But I’m exhausted of it at this point, I’ll apply the lessons I’ve learned to upcomming projects.

TITLE: Spooky Forest
DESCR: Take an adventure into a spooky forest
ARTIST: Franklyn Monk
ALBUM: Dronescapes
GENRE: Drone
YEAR: 2019
PUB: Quasigentsia
TAGS: abandoned, ambient, drone, dronecast, dronescapes, field-recording, monk, monkey, monkey calls, nature
ART: Covers
URL: Persistent
MIRRORS: Archive Audio | Archive Video | YouTube
LICENSE: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International