The Nobility

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TITLE:: The Nobility
DESCR:: A schizo-ambient journey
ALBUM:: Dronescapes
TRACK:: 122
GENRE:: Schizoambient
YEAR:: 2023
PUB:: Quasigentsia
TAGS:: schizoambient, ambient, schizophrenic
URL:: Persistent
MIRRORS:: Archive Audio | Archive Video | SoundCloud | YouTube
IMAGES:: Frame Grabs
LICENSE:: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Because Fuck It

I spit something out
Wonder what it is
And get back to writing
It could be my crumbling teeth,
Or ants, another bee,
Spiders perhaps.
Dirt, could be dirt,
or grounds or leaves.
My mouth feels brown and murky
No telling what’s coming next
What will slither or ooze out
Slip or spit out
But it’ll be dark
And pungent
And hidden.

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