Thomas Run

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TITLE: Thomas Run
DESCR: Ride into the the night with me with this field-recording of a bike ride.
ALBUM: Dronescapes
GENRE: Dronescape
YEAR: 2017
PUB: Quasigentsia
TAGS: ambient, audio, bicycle, bike, cycling, drone, dronecast, electronic, experimental, ffmpeg, field recording, franklyn monk, homebrew, indie, no-39, monk, music, podcast, reaper, ride, routing, sound design, soundscape, video
URL: Persistent
MIRRORS: Archive Audio | Archive Video | SoundCloud | YouTube
IMAGES: Frame Grabs
LICENSE: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
ISRC: QZZ7P2411338

The Lesser Pump

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This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series The Lesser Pump

The beginning and the end are worn.
Virtual instruments controlled by samples.
A G-man posing as a number station.
A preachy New Year’s reveler.
Ice calving from an iceberg.
A hammer strike.

Dronecast #38 Show Notes:
Download: audio, video

Continue reading The Lesser Pump


You know, I have no idea what to call the artifacts of my work…oh, geez, pretentious much?

I have no idea what to call the audio I make. The genre it best marches is Drone…and even though it’s been around since the mid-twentieth century, few know of it.

And Drone has too many meanings
Radio controlled toys and flying death machines
Low ranked or oblivious worker
Mindless follower
Background noise
A musical form that played with note lengths and timing
An digital music genre that shapes overlapping waves
The sound of existence

Drone is the sound of the fabric of reality stretching to accommodate existence
It’s the self creating scofffold straining under the weight of being

That’s how I use the word Drone

The Tenth Day

[Download: audio | video | cover images]

TITLE: The Tenth Day
DESCR: An experimental audio track featuring WikiLeaks audio of the AbilityOne/SourceAmerica scandal
ALBUM: Dronescapes
GENRE: Dronescape
YEAR: 2016
PUB: Quasigentsia
TAGS: ambient, dronecast, monk, franklyn monk, podcast, drone, experimental, music, reaper, 37, electronic, field recording, audio, wikileaks, AbilityOne, SourceAmerica, scandal
URL: Persistent
MIRRORS: Archive Audio | Archive Video | SoundCloud | YouTube
IMAGES: Frame Grabs
LICENSE: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

1. Audio #1.1 (Download) of
The SourceAmerica Tapes
DESC: On 16 November 2015 8:30 am EST, WikiLeaks publishes the 30 hours of secret tapes and transcripts at the heart of the AbilityOne/SourceAmerica scandal.

Creative Commons License
The Tenth Day by Franklyn Monk is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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Follow Your Heart

Franklyn Monk Dronecast #36

TITLE: Follow Your Heart
ARTIST: Franklyn Monk
ALBUM: Dronecast
GENRE: Experimental
YEAR: 2016 Continue reading Follow Your Heart