
Franklyn Monk Dronecast #30: Milling

I shot the video at TWU in Denton, TX.

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Franklyn Monk Dronecast #29: Cranes

I shot the video at South Lakes Park in Denton, TX, where I found Harmony, a kinetic art sculpture by George Cadell.

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My Sweet Lord

What Harrison does with “you”
in the fifth line—
Now, I can get a little lip quiver
A little tear, dink, from the corner of my eye when I want people to think I’m sad, when the situation calls, when I’m so overwhelmed with the absurdity of things
But not at my momma funeral,
Because that’s a farce, and with farces you constrain laughter,
Is my understanding
But what George does,
With that second “you”
My Sweet Lord
Strikes me as authentic
Motherfucker captured a moment of truth


Coffee Faith – Return From Darkness

Coffee Faith is a solo project from Rio Nurkholis Syaifuddin that carries the drone music. With a few people from different background music genres to collaborate in it be "Return From Darkness"
1. Return From Darkness
           (feat. Fran on Guitar)
2. D-E-A-D
3. Isolated
           (feat. Faith Banana For Silvy on Guitar)
4. The Dark Room
           (feat. Agast Insanity on Bass)
5. Concentrated
           (feat. Faith Banana For Silvy on Vocal)


Bonus Track

Wiving Live at Rubber Gloves

Wiving at Rubber Gloves

Wiving SERVANT 3/20/15 at Rubber Gloves Rehearsal Studios video by Skihn Bro

I missed this show due to sickness and brokeness, sigh.
I bet it rocked, they always do.