A Message from a Weary Traveler

Cat Stevens — On The Road To Find Out [Folk rock] (5:04) – 1970

I was going to post a quote from some new agey mystic,
But it wasn’t exactly what I wanted to say.
What I want to say takes five minutes and four seconds.
Takes some guitar, takes three hundred and eight words
Takes a journey, a pilgrimage, to get to the punchline.
The punchline being:
The answer is right there
Where it’s been all along,
And it takes some of us
Five years on the road
To discover it.

Beijing 2001 Rebels of the Neon God

Rebels of the Neon God — Beijing 2001 [Psychedelic Rock, jam session] (2001) – [10:35]

Continue reading Beijing 2001 Rebels of the Neon God

Colony – Time Destroys Everything (2015)

New drone/dark ambient album, released under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 in January 2015 by electronic and experimental musician Colony. Continue reading Colony – Time Destroys Everything (2015)

The Perfect Song

This is the perfect song. I know this because I have already spent twenty hours listening to it, and there’s no end in sight.

Cohen’s deadpan delivery is perfect for this kind of engagement, for the long and repeating and always learning more.

Nothing wasted and nothing missed. Nothing longed for or skipped. It’s low key and deliberate. Measured and delivered with the calmness and wisdom of resignation.

Take a breath

It’s a beautiful day.
Take a breather.
Here’s something to listen to while you do.

Communion ” Beati Mundo Corde” (1:36)
Choeur Grégorien De Paris Et Schola Greg. Pragensi
Toussaint Requiem – Chants Grégoriens À Fronfroide