TITLE: Firmament
DESCR: It’s a tightrope, this filament that connects us together with the broader universe. It must remain taut, but flexible. When it snaps, that’s when the adventure begins.
ALBUM: Dronescapes
TRACK: 103
GENRE: Dronescape
YEAR: 2022
PUB: Quasigentsia
TAGS: ambient, disruption, drone, glitch, noise, synchronicity, temporal collaspe
URL: Persistent
MIRRORS: Archive Audio | Archive Video | SoundCloud | YouTube
IMAGES: Frame Grabs
LICENSE: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
On the Square
Some behind the scenes here of what the artist does between projects.
They play!
In between projects you play! Try new things out. Sketch. Most of the sketches are thrown out as soon as they’re made. Here’s one I’m about to delete. With it I was toying with automated scene-detection, scen selection, layering, and stretching methods.
To get this thing to work I need some audio, so I just grabbed a stem from a current project—an ambient feedback loop seeded with a recording of the Square made several years back, pre-covid in fact. It’s gonna plug some gaps and make some translations in the broader project (which is taking longer than I thought, because, well, I’ve been playing with video.
Play is important for art.
You have to always be playing.
Dark Forest
Inspired by fast radio bursts and space operas.
Dronescape #102
GENRE: Dronescape
YEAR: 2022
PUB: Quasigentsia
TAGS: ambient, noise, voices, abstract, soundscape, future, experimental
URL: Persistent
MIRRORS: Archive Audio | Archive Video | SoundCloud | YouTube
IMAGES: Frame Grabs
LICENSE: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
60 Hertz Mains
Five channel recording of the central heat constantly turning on and off because roommates can’t keep their mitts off it. I filtered out everything but the electrical hum, and mutilated it.
ALBUM: Dronescapes
TRACK: 101
GENRE: Dronescape
YEAR: 2022
PUB: Quasigentsia
TAGS: ambient, noise, electrical hum, drone, h2n, reaper, ffpmeg, avectorscope, resolve
URL: Persistent
MIRRORS: Archive Audio | Archive Video | SoundCloud | YouTube
IMAGES: Frame Grabs
LICENSE: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
My Noisy World
TITLE: My Noisy World
DESCR: A recording of an urban neighborhood street in North Texas.
ALBUM: Dronescapes
TRACK: 100
GENRE: Dronescape
YEAR: 2021
PUB: Quasigentsia
TAGS: ambient, soundscape, cityscape, urban, residential, neighborhood, street life, dronescape, 100, spatial, stereo, earbuds, noise
URL: Persistent
MIRRORS: Archive Audio | Archive Video | SoundCloud | YouTube
IMAGES: Frame Grabs
LICENSE: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International