
Holy fuck Holy shit fuckin
He gasps and leaps away
The buzzing rattling thing
Was a snake, a large snake
Grey and fat and long
It sped away though
wishing me no harm
So that’s a good sign
The buzzing thing might’ve been a delicious insect it caught
Hopefully not venomous, hopefully not venomous.
But I don’t know of any venomous grey snakes, do I? Moccasins? But no nearby water, is there? Wrong color for rattlers, right?
I could do your mother’s ignore it routine, but the last time she did, she got stung by a wasp.
Hoe, where’s the hoe

Damn you Heisenberg

When you go out
for your cigarette’s
worth of daydream
and ponder
whether to take
a notebook,
or if it’s okay to
leave it behind,
Rejoice in the notion
of an indifferent universe
suffused with agony
unfair from end to end
there is no safe answer.
Someone or something
Will always get hurt,
And it’s usually me,
You’ll be damned
if you gather it up,
the pressure of having
a notepad at the ready
disrupts that universe
and often keeps coherent
dreams from forming
You’ll be damned
if you leave it behind,
a million full-fledged worlds
with history, and stories,
and people will dance
around the tree-line,
inviting you on adventures
but only if you get over
the guilt of being
unable to capture
the ephemeral.
Lady Luck, paint my trees
and give me the courage
to accept the situational
restrictions of realtime.

Have a flower day

Melissa was thinking about flowers
No particular reason,
Today was just a flower day is all
Everybody beautiful
Everybody happy
Everybody and everything flowers
Lattes are lilies
And cappuccino roses
And the espresso machine
is a flowering garden
Where steam snakes
Sprout vines and bloom
Flowers in cups
For happy flower people
His voice is rich compost
And honey mesquite
Golden flowers pop
From his speech balloon
A humming bird darts and bobs
Lands on a branch
and jets off into the woods
A rich cacophony
green with laughter
and mad with flowers
His face the sun
his words the eager earth
his lips the rain
He gets something special
He gets holding of hands and snuggles
He gets puffy pink flowers
and bumble bees.